Misplaced ACAB moment

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff

Today, I graduated from a top law school. My aunt's reaction? "I will never hang out with a cop." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 801
You deserved it 2 199

Top comments

Good, so that shouldn't affect you! Looks like intelligence doesn't run in the family though. Just be thankful you got the better side of that gene.


Good, so that shouldn't affect you! Looks like intelligence doesn't run in the family though. Just be thankful you got the better side of that gene.

Funny thing is a lot of cops have a severe dislike towards lawyers.

It's because the lawyers know the law better than the cops and they know all of the loopholes to make their lives hell.

#29 of course haha nobody likes to told they didn't do their job correctly, let alone have it rubbed in their faces in a public court.

mds9986 24

Well it's her loss because being friends with cops has nothing but benefits.

The only equally logical response is "I've never been a hotdog vendor though my thirst for fortune remains unquenched."

what's bad about being a cop? I know the media shows the bad side. But there's a lot of good cops out there that aren't covered as much as the bad ones are by the media.

cops are cocky and really, they are assholes.

Not all cops are bad. I had a severe diabetic reaction from overexercising to try to lose weight like my doctor said and passed out and the officer recognized me and my condition and then I get yelled at in the ER for not eating enough. The officer was kind and told me to tell my doctor he’s fired and joked until the ambulance got there. It was nice to have that versus all the bad cops you usually hear about in the news. I also know a few who will take me to a drunk tank before the hospital even though I don’t drink alcohol.

It's because he graduated from LAW school meaning he became a lawyer. There is nothing wrong with him being a cop, in fact i think that cops are great, but this comment is saying it ironically because she realizes that OP didn't become a cop in the first place.

OP I'm sorry to hear this and also say what I'm about to say, your aunt sounds like a horrible person, she's your family and treads on your accomplishments? That's appalling! Let me be one of the first to congratulate you on your amazing news!

I still can't find out why this guy got some dislikes

She compared a dog to a wolf. Or a cat to a tiger. Or a mouse to a hippopotamus.

well that's good to know ! she will still hang though. that shows why you graduated law school and she didn't =P

FYL for having an uneducated aunt (in this area), OP. Maybe you should teach her a few things, like how skipping school as a kid is illegal