
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, my wooden floor gave me a splinter on the bottom of my foot. I don't have the flexibility nor the eyesight to find it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 955
You deserved it 7 140

Top comments

Hopefully, it'll pop out on its own. Sorry about that.


incoherentrmblr 21

Call a friend/relative that'll help.

11- It doesn't take flexibility to put a mirror on the floor and look at your own feet. But it does take good eyesight, which OP doesn't have either.

...why has 1 been thumbed down and 11 thumbed up? That makes complete sense. : /

@15 only problem is if OP is ticklish, then we'll have another FML like "Today, I tried to help a friend take a splinter out of their foot and I got kicked in the face. FML"

35- and whilst looking at a splinter lodged into your foot may be enjoyable for some, it does actually require flexibility to remove it.

#11 bend your legs. Most people have knee joints.

Hopefully, it'll pop out on its own. Sorry about that.

llamaslikesoda 21

I hate when that happens.. #TheStrugglesofHardWood

See, with that hashtag I think of something much less innocent than floorboards and splinters.

gjikvtj 18
llamaslikesoda 21
llamaslikesoda 21

It's too late to apologize. It's toooooo late...

gjikvtj 18

Looks like a moderator took a sweep through

Try the tape trick or the hot water in a glass trick. These work for me.

Except that according to the FML they: 1. Cannot reach the bottom of their foot (Lacking flexibility). 2. Cannot see exactly where the splinter is (Poor eyesight).

soccerguy2o1 7

But they CAN tape the whole foot and will eventually get it out with one of them

(s)he can at least feel where it hurts in the feet too. Tape it there. And start practicing Yoga or something OP. You don't want to be rendered helpless because of a simple splinter.

r_bruce69 19

ouch. I hope you don't live alone

iLike2Teabag 27

Yea. Life can be such a prick.

Yeah, I don't think getting a splinter in ones foot should necessarily equate to damnation towards life. But hey, that's just me.

miyaviichan 27

I heard life ran away from a fight once, what a little bitch.

Yikes. You could ask someone else to get it out for you...? And you should probably sand that floorboard down so it doesn't happen again. :/

Respect101 17

Also stain your floor after you sand it, because the stain helps keep the wood together and last longer as well.

Lol 82 I know what you mean but it just sounds weird to tell someone to stain the floor

That's what friends are for, OP, get a friend or family member to do it!

put some glue on your foot, when it hardens, take the glue off. the splinter should go with the glue