By Anonymous - 15/11/2013 03:08 - United States - Absecon

Today, my boyfriend took me home for the first time. His place was covered in Insane Clown Posse stuff, even the toilet bowl. He's an undercover Juggalo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 090
You deserved it 4 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even the toilet bowl? Well, on the bright side, you know he can commit to some things.

I hope you don't have a fear of clowns lol


Just run. There is literally nothing good that can come from this. Run. NOW.

And wth is wrong with that? If you can listen to a bunch of "rappers" talking about rape and calling girls *****, you can step it up, and listen to ICP and Boondox.

reymon8823 24

Icp, Boondox, Twiztid, Blaze ya dead homie, abk, amb... just to name a few from Psychopathic Records... We're more of a family than a "gang" just because there's a few that **** that shit up don't judge

There are much more troublesome things to find out about a man. There's nothing wrong with a little clown love (: whoop whoop

Not to be a stickler but its not make up persay bro its facepaint which is similar i admit but not the same

JuggaloAustin169 1

Is there something wrong with being a juggalo? The fact that he's that committed is awesome. Whoop whoop to the juggalo family.