By SJDAOisdjlkSADlksda - 02/07/2016 02:37 - United States

Today, I witnessed my sister use some ice cubes on her blistered toes, then quietly return them to the tray in the fridge. I've been putting ice from there into my drinks for weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 849
You deserved it 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wonder how old your sister is.. Either way, that's unsanitary for so many reasons! Definitely confront her OP!

Jord_Fox 14

Get 2 cube trays. Label 1 as "sisters medicine"


Vegnas 13

Ice cubes? More like "ice pubes!"

Vegnas 13

Oh wait, she was talking about toes. My bad, everyone!

eeeeeeeeeeeeew! (shudders and dry heaves). I agree with the comments above. 1st: give her a drink with lots of ice, she deserves that. 2nd: tell your family, that's not sanitary.

Maybe make the next ice cubes with something citrus? Or spicy. I'm not sure if that's actually do anything to a blister but I'd still find out.

You should have spoken up and told her ice cubes are supposed to go in the freezer.

If I could vomit, I would have. As someone with a severe foot and skin cell phobia, I would definitely make her some nice yummy iced tea with exta "lemon" flavouring. Lots of ice.

species4872 19

Didn't you realize something was amiss when the cubes were loose in the tray??? Or is she an ice queen and the cubes didn't melt at all before she put them back???

You got that backwards. If they didn't melt at all is when they would be loose. But melting would cause water to re-freeze in the tray when they went back in the freezer.

species4872 19

not true, if they partially melted the cubes would be smaller but still ice. They would only freeze to the size of the tray if there was extra water to fill the gaps.

Ewwww! I just threw up in my mouth a little.

that why I hid my own in the big freezer