By Anon - 11/09/2016 07:27 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I really haven't been feeling well. Even thought I felt like complete shit, my friends dragged me out to a club. When I got there, I ran into the bathroom and started simultaneously shitting and puking. If I stopped one, the other got worse. I was stuck there for an hour and a half. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 191
You deserved it 1 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

r83839 22

You need to learn to stand your ground instead of giving into peer pressure.

Your friends owe you a drink...of Pepto-Bismol and Imodium.


For the more obvious part, it would seem like YDI a bit if you knew you weren't feeling well. although I do feel pretty bad for OP. so feel better! sidenote question: Why is the category intimacy instead of health?

That's when you say no, and turn your phone off.

Sounds like norovirus -- not sure which end to point at the toilet, because both are just as likely to go off at any second. Totally miserable stuff. Tell your friends thanks for taking you out in public where you could spread the illness more effectively.

YDI.. Learn to say "No thank you." Stay home and take care of yourself when you're not feeling well.

I hope your friends didn't have such a shitty time. You're a good sport!

cheshireau 26

Screw your friends, look after yourself first. You could have gotten sicker.

FML for so many people... For you, for your friends, for the people who were waiting to use the washroom, and for the janitor who had to clean it all up... I hope you're better now.

Something similar happened when I was in 10th grade. My choir had a Saturday rehearsal for our charity concert that was mandatory if you wanted to perform. I woke up puking but went anyway. Ten minutes in, I had to jump off the stage, run out the auditorium, and bolt into the ladies room. I ended up puking once in front of the payphones in between the two and then almost crawled to the first toilet to take turns puking and ********. When I was done, I had to call my dad collect to come get me. I was lucky the volunteer choir director was a nurse and knew how to take care of me until my dad got there.