By chloe_zjk - 18/02/2015 05:22 - France

Today, I'm an intern working in a company's reception area, which happens to have a coffee dispenser. As I'm the new girl, every client getting coffee wants to buy me one. I'm too polite to say no. It's 10:26 AM, and I'm on cup #17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 457
You deserved it 189

Top comments

Keep letting them buy you coffee. Once you have cup #100 you get superspeed and can save everyone in case there is a fire.

Or just be honest and say I've already had coffee but your offer is very kind thank you


atleast you'll be alter and on top of everything!

I'm overly polite and love coffee, but 17+ cups?? - this is one time I am very glad to be American!! But y'alls stuff is probably safer :-p

What does being American have to do with it?

meli1195 31

#13 probably thinks that since OP is in France, that the coffee must be really strong

And in France they often have those super tiny cups of coffee that are only 2 sips.

You must be a beautiful lady. Anyway, getting offered coffee is a good sign of a great working environment. Good luck.

On the bright side they like you enough to buy you coffee. But I think saying no when you've had enough would be more honest (therefor more polite).

Rather than polite, try being funny. "After the coffee I had today, you might need to buy me an adult diaper to go with it. Doing my pee dance while working could seriously hinder my performance review." :D

meli1195 31

I'm pretty sure this comment would get her fired from said new job.

I love coffee, but 17 cups? Next time, leave all the cups on your desk to show you don't need it.

"No thank you" How hard is that? Or if you don't want to refuse, just have a cup sitting in front of you so they can see you've already had one.

hey, somebody I know on here, today is a good day. Now let's see if you work out who I am haha

thuglife69420 6

"I'll give you a hint- I'm standing outside your bedroom window right now breathing heavily"