By ealovan - 03/03/2014 05:18 - United States - Des Moines

Today, I have exactly 204 snowflakes saved onto my computer, all of which I made on this snowflake-making website. This is what my life has come to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 925
You deserved it 9 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lenalee96 22

That's cool though, print them out and make a chain!

We all have our hobbies, Op. No big deal.


You're the one who decided to make them, it's your life. YDI

You've never gotten caught up in a hobby? Sometimes, people get seriously into their hobbies without meaning to. I once accidentally filled half a sketchbook in one sitting because it was quick, easy, and, most of all, fun.

Did you make an FML about your what your life is coming to afterwards? It sounds like you were proud of your work so good on you. OP seems to be disappointed in themselves, seeing as they posted this FML, which makes this a little different in my opinion.

It doesn't sound to me like OP was disappointed in their work, but instead that they were a bit embarrassed about having gone overboard and even makong a site for them. I guess it all depends on how you view it, I was just looking at it in a way I could relate to.

From your viewpoint it's definitely not their fault I personally just don't see why they'd post it if they saw it like that. I guess if they like making snowflakes that's their business

it's because with SNOWFLAKES, it seems like a childish hobby and it's kind of embarrassing. The site is probably for kids. Which sucks cause I wanna play :

I wasn't angry, though. I was only trying to give my PoV. I'm sorry if the tone seemed harsh.

cryssycakesx3 22

it's because this is one the many that seem plausible. no one sounded angry though.

Neither of us are angry and the only harsh thing is my original comment, which was my opinion and my vote, everybody here is chilled out

ZY1431 24
bobbyguy 17

I only laughed because of how bad that was.

Nickb55 16

At least there snow way you have it the worst

It took me a few times reading your sentence to realize what you did there haha

graceinsheepwear 33

Do they open into Olympic rings?

cryssycakesx3 22
sallee23444 11

How do you even find snowflake making websites? What?

Look on the bright side at least you have a hobby.

Maybe consider getting off the computer and getting out of the house? Try meeting new people. Go to a library and read a book. See a movie at the cinema. Walk in the forest. Join a hobby group (photography is a popular one). Wander around local shops. Life shouldn't have to come down to only making snowflakes. Get out and enjoy the life you're living.

cryssycakesx3 22

you make it seem as though OP has been sitting there making snowflakes since the dawn of time. she posted this on FML so clearly she does other things. :)

Did you customize the (if you have a Microsoft computer) star screen saver as well to 204 stars for unison? I apologize if the number is off