By Anonymous - 25/07/2011 17:11 - United States

Today, I got a completely random boner at a coffee shop, five seconds before two attractive women asked me to stand up and take their picture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 555
You deserved it 5 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xx6RoseThorn9xX 5

your dingdong can see the future ;)


FMLoverAgain 7

nothing to be embarrassed about. it's all natural. That's a good way to let the prospect buyers know the merchandise works.

strainer04 8

I like this! wouldn't buy a car without seeing it first and test driving it would ya?

strainer04 8

this was supposed to go on 83. all my comments are not going where I want them to. smh

ILoveTabz 0

that's attractive! at least now they know you're fully functional

BigPerro4life 0

perfect opportunity to have asked them to return the favor!

Oh as if you were going to score with them anyway.

Sunny_Eclipse 6

Ha! Ha! I love a good random boner!