By PangolinScholar - 25/01/2014 00:34 - United States - Grand Prairie

Today, I found that I conduct so much static electricity that I'm periodically given a shock by my headphones as I walk with them on. 5ML
I agree, your life sucks 36 303
You deserved it 4 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's probably not a healthy relationship to have with your headphones...

Okay, FML's 5th birthday. I'm sorry fml website. I forget my family's birthday sometimes so I hope we can put this behind. I really cannot go a day without you. Forgive me.


Try lifting your feet higher when you walk.

Don't feel alone, OP. I get shocked while drinking from the water fountain, and I'm always thirsty...

grashopper8 7

Get new headphones. It's not you, it's them. Cheap headphones can do this.

Some people do this. I can't wear watches, I destroy them within 24 hours.

The wires are probably broken someplace... Thats not static shock..

You have to stop wearing your girlfriend's nylons under your polyester pants.

Pick up your feet. Why are you shuffling everywhere?