By hi_there4397 - 14/06/2013 04:39 - United States - Gilbert

Today, I donated blood for the first time. I'm completely healthy and after waiting the appropriate amount of time I left, feeling fine. That is until I went out to eat with my family an hour later and passed out in front of the whole restaurant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 188
You deserved it 4 106

hi_there4397 tells us more.

Hey there! I'm the OP :) I'm so happy this actually got published! Ok so just to clarify things I'm well over the minimum weight to donate and I ate food and drank liquids before, during, and after the donation. It was an hour later and we went to a place called organ stop pizza (lovely restaurant in AZ) and I started feeling dizzy most likely because the lights started flashing and loud music was playing. I got up to go to the bathroom (to puke :P) and on my way there I passed out. But I fell on my knees and caught myself before blacking out. The ambulance came and said all my levels were normal besides my low blood pressure and they let me go home to lie down and eat ice cream. So sorry for the long post but if you read this far then I love you! PS this incident won't stop me from donating again (I'm AB+) I'll just tell them to maybe do a reduced volume next time :)

Top comments

"Oh Katie, you simply MUST try the crème brûlée, it's to die for! ... Katie?"


kdbernie10 3

Good excuse for a free meal if you ask me.

Yes, please don't let this deter you. Next time just be sure to not do it on an empty stomach, and to eat afterwards and to go with a friend who can look out for you afterwards.

What is OP? Lmao. I'm ******* dumb okay?

Original Poster. Meaning the one who wrote the FML. Damn you beat me to it #25.

Orgasmic Pooter Organic Pusbag Oral Pungency Osama Pinladen Offal Preservative Take your pick #20, take your pick.

^^ you guys just ruined what could have been a great thread

asnakelovinbabe 16
perdix 29

Was it from the blood donation or from watching your dad talk with his mouth full?

demonwolfmaster 26

it happens op, you can be healthy has a horse and still faint, has happened to me and i have donated a dozen times.

Healthy or not if you're of a small frame you're more likely to faint. I just do it for the freebies. Plus the shirts don't look that bad at all

OP, I feel you. During the only time I tried to give blood, I had a male nurse that looked like a thin John Goodman. He stuck me numerous times whilst going "Whoops!" after every incorrect stick of the needle. Not too far into the process, I got so dizzy. (My blood WAS tested for correct iron levels, ect, so they can see if your blood is fine to give, and I had eaten before.) Made it even worse that they were persistant with me continuing the blood giving process, due to me having AB+. ******* vampire nurses.

No offense, but why is your blood special? AB gives accepts blood person any other type. I would think they would keeping pushing for an O because that one is more "valuable". I may be wrong or not thinking of it the right way, im sorry

Ah! I just realized that one of those sentences made no sense... i meant to say an AB person can accept from anyone. Also, cant AB only give to AB? Im not thinking straight, ive been at university for 7 hours already, I just want to go home!

#63, O blood is wanted more so than AB, this is true. Especially O- blood. According to RedCrossBlood Stats: "Type O- blood (red cells) can be transfused to patients of all blood types. It is always in great demand and often in short supply. Type AB+ plasma can be transfused to patients of all other blood types. AB plasma is also usually in short supply." You were on the right track. Kudos!

I didn't know AB was usually on short supply, that interesting. I always thought AB people were selfish >:O I'm kidding :)

olpally 32

O my gosh. Don't B so down ABout it. Hopefully you're A okay now :)

You're like the 5th person to say something like this. It really was only funny the first time

olpally 32

my comment was probably posted before those that thread jack and try to get on the first page. It happens. I still got 8 thumbs up, obviously it's not copying anyone else. I don't even see it on the first page. Maybe some tiny comments but nothing like mine. Don't be a killjoy.

OP, too bad! Next time, maybe you'll be less syncope-acetic after your generous act. Eat the cookie and drink the juice when you donate again....

You fainted during lunch? That sounds like a bloody mess!