Salad days

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, I saw a customer open a bottle of salad dressing, taste it, then put it back on the shelf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 394
You deserved it 816

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One of my cousins used to work in a little market and people would just help themselves and leave without paying. He told me he used to speak really loud and tell them "that's not free sir", usually people were super embarrassed and paid without saying anything. I hope you called them out on this !


<p>Why do people have to be like this? Saddens me.</p>

I work in a kitchen store and nothing surprises me anymore. A woman just the other day was caught licking silverware because she "does not like the metal taste some have" so she was testing it. She of course did not buy them. Not sure what is wrong with some people..

What a twat! Will never understand people who do things like that

People drink full sodas. Order subs and eat them walking the store and put the price down. My district manager won't let anyone confront them because god forbid they take their money elsewhere. So a lot of people know this and abuse it. More of my stores loses are from this shit then actual damage.

<p>YDI. &nbsp;</p> <p>Why dontcha try working in the restaurant industry instead.</p> <p>you ain't seen nothin yet, kiddo</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>